Dopamine, a neurotransmitter, drives this feel-good sensation5 and encourages you to repeat the action. Though doing it may come instinctually, you could stop with some conscious effort. Even if it feels a bit weird or uncomfortable, it doesn’t addiction vs dependence cause physical withdrawal symptoms or consume your thoughts. Because some substances have the potential to cause dangerous withdrawal symptoms, it is important to receive an appropriate diagnosis in order to get the best treatment.
Several illegal drugs can often lead to both addiction and dependence. The often euphoric effects of these substances can drive compulsive use, which in turn can lead to addiction. Simultaneously, physiological adaptations from ongoing usage can lead to tolerance and withdrawal upon discontinuation, highlighting the interplay between both concepts as they pertain to potential addiction. Physical addiction primarily involves tolerance, or the body’s adaptation to a substance’s presence, often marked by accompanying withdrawal symptoms upon discontinuation of the substance use. People who are physically dependent require increasing amounts of the substance to achieve the same effect and experience discomfort when trying to quit due to withdrawal symptoms. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) is a reference published by the American Psychiatric Association that provides a standardized classification and diagnostic criteria for mental health disorders.
When genetics, environment, and drug use overlap, addiction may occur. The DSM is the leading source for diagnosing and understanding addiction. However, the most recent edition of the DSM no longer creates this distinction. It occurs when a person has difficulty stopping substance use or engaging in a behavior that provides some type of benefit. Several tricks and strategies can help you break habits like checking your phone when you feel bored, stressed, or need to pass the time.
The International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) also recognizes gaming disorder.
Addiction, on the other hand, often encompasses the elements of dependence and also includes a host of other considerations across life domains. It’s characterized by a compulsive and uncontrollable urge to seek and use a substance, even when it causes you harm to do so. Some people do well at home with regular doctor visits and support groups.
Unlike addiction, dependence does not necessarily involve difficulty controlling behavior. According to a 2021 research article, healthcare professionals often misunderstand them, which can lead to misdiagnosis. Although they may seem similar, addiction and dependence are distinct concepts.
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