These effects can happen even after one drink — and increase with every drink you have, states Dr. Anand. Additionally, some drinks, such as mixed drinks, can have more than one serving of alcohol in them. This can make it harder to keep track of how much alcohol you’ve actually consumed. Continue reading to learn more about alcohol poisoning, the symptoms to look out for, and when to seek emergency care.
Alcohol also affects proper brain development in teenagers. Thousands of people under 21 die from alcohol-related deaths in the U.S. each year. Sadly, even one night of heavy drinking can produce terrible consequences. Alcohol poisoning is a life-threatening condition that can be caused by drinking large amounts of alcohol in a relatively short period of time. Because it turns out the story about the health effects of moderate drinking is shifting pretty dramatically. It is dangerous to assume that an unconscious person will be fine by sleeping it off.
That’s because alcohol can weaken your immune system, slow healing and make your body more susceptible to infection. Your body breaks alcohol down into a chemical called acetaldehyde, which damages your DNA. Damaged DNA can cause a cell to grow out of control, which results in cancerous tumors.
That’s why it’s very important to manage your withdrawal safely. This article examines how alcohol withdrawal can be fatal, including the outlook for those with this condition. It also details the symptoms and treatment of alcohol withdrawal and discusses when to seek help for alcohol use disorder (AUD).
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